Cheal planners can assist in a wide range of building projects, such as resource consents from district councils for single dwellings or sheds, through to large retail developments or concessions, and approvals from the Department of Conservation for infrastructure and buildings within National Parks.
Our planners also act as project managers through the resource consenting phase of a building project — coordinating and managing sub-consultants such as landscape architects, archaeologists, civil engineers, acoustic engineers and traffic engineers and undertaking consultation with affected parties, Tangata Whenua, NZTA and various other stakeholders.
Cheal planners will add value to your project by promoting a smooth process through the consenting phase, and can also undertake other approvals such as liquor licensing, assessments against the National Environmental Standards (NES) for managing contaminants in soil, earthworks consents and wastewater consents.
Recent examples of projects include:
- Ongoing work for JT Design Architecture in gaining resource consents for new dwellings
- Gaining resource consents (district council approval and regional council earthworks and wastewater consents) for the Te Wharehou o Tūhoe sustainable building project in Taneatua
- Gaining district council resource consent and Department of Conservation approval for new chairlifts, gondola and snowmaking facilities at Whakapapa ski area for RAL.
Catriona Eagles
M: 027 422 6785 | E:
Jason Ward
M: 027 669 6331 | E:
Bridget Nicholson
M: 022 025 4014 | E:
Philip Barrett
M: 022 135 8477 | E:
Dean Sherrit
P: 06 385 9534 or 07 896 7641 | E: